
Friday, 21 September 2018


hi in kete we had mad a T.V ad this ad was mad my michaela we gave her some ideas to put in this  ad i hop you enjoy this ad. thank you bye.

Monday, 10 September 2018


Last four weeks the year 7&8 have become the en working on business enterprise me and my group are called mosays in our group we are working on chalk paints and it's kinda easy well really easy to make chalk paint you will just need grind up chalk and water. The water makes the chalk look like there is more but there is a different reason as well the water makes this past and you basically just paint but when it dry you can just add water to it you properly all ready knew that but I just didn't know what else to write anyway my group is selling it for $2.50 any way that is it for today bye

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

I need your help

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I need your help

So plzz leave a comment down below

Our class is doing a commenting challenge and i need you to help me i need you to leave a comment down below to the winner will get a surprise at the end of this term.

You  can do it